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Hymenoplasty, also known as hymen repair surgery, is a procedure performed to reconstruct the hymen. This procedure is often requested for cultural, social, or personal reasons, particularly in societies where the integrity of the hymen holds significant importance. Istanbul, as Turkey's largest city and a cultural hub, is frequently chosen as a location for such surgical procedures. In this content, we will provide general information about hymenoplasty in Istanbul.

The hymen helps maintain vaginal health. Due to this structure, vaginal development occurs more effectively. In society, hymen examinations and virginity are subjects that create intense psychological pressure, leading women to a significant decision-making process regarding Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair Surgery). One of the crucial aspects to consider in this process is ensuring that the operation is performed by qualified professionals in expert healthcare facilities. Of course, women have the ultimate right to decide about their own bodies. However, it is essential that this operation is conducted in a hygienic environment and by specialists to avoid any health risks.

What is the Structure of the Hymen?

The hymen, medically known as Hymen, is generally located at the entrance of the vagina, about 1-1.5 cm inside. Although it has been historically perceived as a symbol of a woman's purity, in reality, it serves to maintain vaginal health. The structure of the hymen varies from woman to woman. It is typically a mucosal tissue with an opening in the center, allowing menstrual blood to be discharged. The shape of this opening also varies depending on the type of hymen.

Types of hymen include:

  • Annular Hymen
  • Imperforate Hymen
  • Septate Hymen
  • Cribriform Hymen
  • Eccentric Hymen

Since there are different types of hymen, in some cases, a flexible hymen may not tear or bleed during intercourse due to insufficient pressure. These types of hymens usually rupture during childbirth, while in some women, they may tear easily during childhood or adolescence.

How is Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair Surgery) Performed?

Hymenoplasty procedures are performed in two ways: temporary and permanent. Temporary hymen repair is a surgical procedure conducted shortly before the anticipated intercourse. The torn edges of the hymen are sutured together, and a flap method is used, in which tissue from the vaginal wall is added to the front part. It is stitched with self-dissolving sutures, eliminating the need for suture removal. Permanent hymenoplasty, which is more commonly preferred, is suitable for women who do not have a specific intercourse date. In this procedure, a new hymen is created using vaginal tissue, ensuring the expected bleeding even years later.

Complications after the operation are very rare. Patients may experience slight pain and burning. Rest, taking prescribed medications, and attending a follow-up appointment one week after the procedure are sufficient for recovery. The patient can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. Even if performed under general anesthesia, prolonged bed rest is not required. However, for women who cannot afford a week of rest, permanent hymenoplasty is less recommended. After the procedure, a normal married life can be continued.

Even women who have given birth can opt for this procedure. The operation can only be detected by a specialist examination. Since this is a private matter, it remains confidential between the patient and the doctor. It is impossible to detect the procedure through physical examination or touch before or during intercourse. The hymen is restored to its pre-rupture state, ensuring the expected bleeding occurs during the first intercourse.

Hymenoplasty procedures are not only performed for virginity purposes. The hymen can also be repaired in cases where medical interventions require access to the upper genital organs.

Pre-Operative Considerations for Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair Surgery)

Hymenoplasty in Istanbul requires that there be no vaginal discharge during the operation. If present, an infection may cause the repaired tissue to reopen. If there is an infection, antibiotics must be used before surgery to ensure proper treatment. Hymen repair should be performed 7 days before or immediately after menstruation. Getting a period right after surgery may lead to wound dehiscence. Before surgery, refrain from washing the genital area with soap, shower gel, or intimate cleansers, and avoid using daily panty liners.
The mucosa should not have allergies or dermatitis, which could delay wound healing.

Post-Operative Care for Hymenoplasty

After hymenoplasty, avoid showering for at least one week. Additionally, constipation should be prevented, and prescribed medications should be taken regularly. Patients should apply dressings twice daily, as directed by their doctor. Physical activities such as cycling, running, Pilates, and yoga should be avoided for one month after surgery.

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